Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tommi´s almanack monthly report september 2017

This is my september´s monthly report about my progress with using latticework of mental models in my life. I basically started monitoring with more precision in january this year. There is no way of doing real conclusion about how things are really working. I have some goals for arranging my life and I am still pretty far away from optimal life. All the monthly reports are basically divided into two parts, mental and physical efforts and results.

Mental efforts and results in september 2017

Most of my mental efforts go to using a laptop, watching TV and reading real books. The latter things are separate, because I also use my laptop for reading Kindle-books. For monitoring laptop usage, I have RescueTime program which shows how much time I use for using OpenOffice, reading Kindle books and flying through different websites, emails, etc. I do not measure my time watching TV, at least not yet. But I am timing how much I read physical non-fiction books. Here are some results of using laptop and reading physical books from september (August):

  • Time I used my laptop/day on average: 242 (275) minutes/day
  • The efficiency on average with laptop 56% (50%) 135 min (137min)
  • Using OpenOffice/day 52 (57) min/day on average
  • Using Kindle 61 (42) min/day on average
  • Refereeing portals on 11 (11min)/day on average
  • Online newspapers 15min (16min/day) on average
  • keskustelu.kauppalehti.fi (Finnish financial news portal) 14min (19 min/day) on avg
  • skysports.com 4min (13 min)/day on average
  • Facebook 13min (15 min/day) on average
  • Others: about 70 (100 min)/day on average
  • Reading physical books about 97min (90 min/day) on average

We can see that mental efforts TV excluded take a lot of my time, basically now it is about 5 and a half hours/day. We cannot really see this, but september was a pretty average month to me. At least, mentally speaking. I used my laptop about 4 hours per day. This is what I achieved in september. The efficiency should be better than my 56% in september.. Normal efficiency should be around 60% on average. There is two ways to improve: less crappy action and more efficient action like reading Kindle books more and using OpenOffice more. In september I read non-fiction about 150 minutes/day. I can probably read a little more, but I should be more focused than I am right now after a certain amount of reading.

Physical efforts

My division for physical efforts are sleeping, eating, drinking, walking and exercising. I slept pretty well for the whole month of August. I have no data to prove it. I have too much weight. I measured it in 30th of september and it was 105kg, which is one kilogram less than in the end of august. One kilogram is nothing, it can be a difference in hydration while I was on the scale. I am aiming weight under 100kg in the end of this year. It may not happen, but close to it is better than nothing. 90Kg would be better, but it takes longer. My nutrition is not good enough. I eat too much crap. September was a better month than august. I ate crap in seven days. (10x in August) The definition for crap is too much fat and sugar, or some foods with white flour. I am aiming to eat crap once a week. I like it and I don´t think it is too much.

I drank alcohol once, but way too much. I am trying to have a whole alcohol free year, which started after my birthday celebrations in the end of august. It is a challenge. I have sometimes been without alcohol for two or three months. I have managed to survive without it, at least for now. I will probably have more difficulties during the pre-christmas parties. I didn´t have any problems with alcohol in september. I am sure I can manage october too.

Exercising can be divided into two things: refereeing and walking. Refereeing should be my preferred way, but I am trying to have a short walk every day, if I have only one game. If I have more in one day, I may not go for a walk. September was a pretty good month. On average, I was on the move for 70 minutes per day. 90 minutes is my goal. Exercise was refereeing for 40 minutes and walking 30 minutes on average per day. My goal is to exercise from 80-90 minutes per day at some point.

Have a good month!


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